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See Jump Do


Summary -

Tired of being a follower? This time it pays off, as you must do everything the player in front does, while trying to trick the players behind you.


Developed at the 2014 Global Game Jam


Type -

Multiplayer Dynamic Platformer


​Core Features -

Multiplayer, player-created environment.


Time in Development:

48 hours.



Summary -

The government’s computer mainframe has been infected with a series of computer viruses. This leaves the government no choice but to activate a highly powered anti-virus known as Surge.


Using a variety of abilities, Surge must fight an array of viruses and defeat the head Administrators within each network of the mainframe.


Type -

Single player 2.5d Platformer/Arcade


​Core Features:

Multiple player aquired abilities and large Boss Battles


Time in Development:

60 days.






Summary  -

Game Entry developed at the 2014 New Mexico State Game Jam with the topic:

"You can accomplish anything, as long as you don't mind who gets the credit".


Type -

Single player strategy game


​Core Features -

Multiple Level Enemies, No Weapons


Time in Development:

24 hours.




Summary -


Play as the powerful yet reluctant Champion, Agent 99. Uncover your past before death, and discover why you've been chosen to serve as the Agent of Death. Attempt to persuade the Devil to relenquish your contract while growing to become just as powerful, and ultimately confront the hand that feeds.


Core Features:

Muliple player aquired abilities, compelling storyline, player exploration.


Team members:

The Purgatory Agent is my personal solo project, with myself filling all development roles.


Time in Development: 60 days running.Projected deadline April 2015 .Status: Level 3 in progress

Updated Feb. 5th 2015.



The Pugatory Agent

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